Saturday, February 19, 2011


Thinking about the 21st century I would feel as though there were many changes. One main change being the advancement of technology. What was the world like without cell phones or computers? Many who weren’t alive in that time seem to wonder. Most people nowadays communicate more through technology than they do in person. Without blackberry bbm, iphone texting, macbook video chatting, facebook, twitter, myspace, email etc, the world today would be lost. Personally I feel as though I spend more time virtually talking to my friends and family than I do in person. Whether it is texting someone for plans or meeting new people on facebook, technology has changed the world for the better. The biggest question I have is how was it possible to live without these technologies? If I need to find one of my friends or family members, all I have to do is pick up my phone and press a couple of buttons. Although texting in my eyes is a very convenient, useful thing in a way it could be a negative problem. It causes families to talk less, why get up and ask your parents a question when all you have to do is press a couple of buttons? Instead of going to your friend’s house to hang out, all you have to do is video chat. These technologies will just keep getting more advanced and keep changing the world for the better, I mean who said change was bad? Change could be a very good thing but we can’t forget how life was without it.

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