Sunday, February 13, 2011

The New Four Loko

Last semester, I remember hearing a lot of buzz about the alcoholic beverage Four Loko. There was even a news reporter on campus interviewing students about its dangerous effects. They were calling it ‘Blackout in a Can’ because students did not feel the effect of the drink until they had too much and were in the hospital. Though this did not happen to everyone that consumed the beverage, it happened enough to cause a major stir. Universities were warning students about its negative effects until it became banned in areas like New York. Also, the Food and Drug Administration did not approve of this drink because of the combination of alcohol and caffeine.

Students were drawn to Four Loko because it was cheap, accessible, and they received a quick buzz. I never personally had the drink but I know a few people who did and they found it disgusting. I feel that the major draw was how cheap it was, especially for college students who just wanted a buzz before going out.

For the New Year, they brought out a new Four Loko. This new version does not have caffeine or other stimulants and are following the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations. I have not heard any government complaints against it so I guess it is not as bad as it was before. I am pretty sure it is having the same effect on people because they are still buying and drinking it. Maybe it even tastes better with their new flavors, at least I would hope so since it is such a big drink.

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