Monday, February 28, 2011

Teen mom glorifies teen pregnancy

This article that I came across talks about Teen Mom "stars" Amber and Gary from the first season of Teen Mom walking the red carpet the night of the Oscars…but in Indiana, not in Hollywood. According to the article they posed for pictures and spoke with fans of the show. And before their debut, they went shopping to buy jewelry and clothes to look nice in. Teen Mom is a show on MTV that is most likely to prevent teen pregnancy, as it can give teens a look into the difficult lives that can be had after one has a baby at a young age. However, to me, Teen Mom sort of glorifies the lives of these girls and their boyfriends at such a young age. It’s not to say that having a baby as a teenager is a horrifying, terrible thing that should never be done, but when young teens see this show, I believe that it may make them want to have a child without thoroughly thinking it through. To me, part of the problem is that these girls are shown on TV as celebrities and are getting attention in the public eye, like for Amber and Gary at their own little “red carpet”. The couples on Teen Mom are listed as D-list celebrities and when high school or middle school aged students see this, they might wish for their life to be glorified like the lives of the people in this reality show.

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