Sunday, February 6, 2011

MTV's 'Skins' Causing Controversy

As an avid fan of the British television show ‘Skins’, an American remake sparked my interest. ‘Skins’ is a controversial teenage television show dealing with sex, drugs, and alcohol. The show does not have many boundaries and is very different than most television programs that are around today. Due to the extreme nature of the show, it has upset the Parents Television Council, among many others. Lawsuits have been mentioned and nudity and graphic nature of the show has led to companies, such as Taco Bell, withdrawing their endorsements. America’s reaction to the show is very different to the UK’s reaction four years ago. Because of the difference in culture, I believe that America is taking this a lot harder than the UK. The atmosphere in the UK is a lot more laid back than America’s. The drinking age is also lower in the UK, and things such as nudity, sex and the human body are thought to be beautiful and a lot less taboo that it is in the states. This television show, although does not accurately depict the lifestyle of most teens, it’s friendships, situations and relationships are a lot more real than most other television shows that are on air today. It’s understandable for parents not to want their children watching such a show, but simple things such as parental lock, can be administered to solve the situation. It’s extremely interesting to see how the same things can be perceived so differently in various places around the world just due to minor culture differences.

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