After playing the first Dead Space I anxiously awaited the second instalment in this 3rd person horror game. You play as Isaac Clarke who wakes up aboard Titan Station 3 years after the events of the first game. The whole game has the same objective as the first game which is to destroy the alien marker that is causing these alien called necromorphs to appear and kill everyone. The game is 3rd person which is an over the shoulder view instead of the more common 1st person view which is a view seen through the eyes of the character. The game is enormously fun and nerve wracking. The whole game is set in these extremely dark corridors that your flashlight does a poor job of iluminating. This is awesome and annoying at the same time. Its awesome because since its so dark you can only see where the flashlight is pointed at. This sets you up for those moments where something comes crashing through the wall next to you and makes you jump. It is also annoying because it makes navigating the debris strewn floors hard. It also makes it hard to find the doors out of rooms hard. Dead Space 2 is also more violent than the first one. This is perhaps one of the goriest games I have ever played. You kill the aliens by shooting their arms or legs off and plenty of people are killed in ways where they are cut apart and blood flies everywhere. The game has a very good story line that keeps you hooked with plenty of surprises. This game is a must for anyone that owns a Xbox 360 or a PS3.
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