This article from discusses our constant obsession with this new technology. Americans are so reliant on the internet and their smartphones that they can't live without them. John Sutter discusses how individuals wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is turn to their smartphones. According to the article, " One in five americans have a smartphone." DougWilson goes onto twitter and Facebook before he even gets out of bed. He doesnt separate from this smartphone ever because he never wants to miss the opportunity to take a picture or to tweet about this day. This is common among many individuals especially teenagers and college students. I have a smartphone that I am addicted to and use emails 24/7. Being at college it is very helpful that I get all my emails straight to my phone and can email my professors if necessary. For example, one of my classes was canceled and if I didn't have my email available to be right away, I probably wouldn't have known not to go to class for the day. Although the smartphone is a very useful type of technology, it is minimizing our communication between one another. Communication seems to be lost because conversations are impersonal and smartphones contain more information and applications than just making a phone call. Our society is more concerned with talking over the internet or through their smartphones rather than having an actual conversation in person. Will the rise of this new technology that we are obsessed with, change our future?
Heather Zucker
I feel as though smart phones are going to be the only type of phones on the market within the next year or so. If you walk in any Verizon or AT&T store, nearly all of the phones on display are smart phones of some sort. Once someone purchases a Smartphone, they realize all of the things that they were missing out on and never go back. Almost anyone you come in contact with has a Blackberry, IPhone or some sort of Android powered phone. People are obsessed with checking their Facebook and Twitter so having the ability to do so at any time is a necessity. Personally, I have Verizon so I got the original Droid when it first came out and now that the IPhone is out, I'm selling my Droid and already have my 32gig IPhone 4 ordered. Society as a whole loves to be current with technology because it always gives us something new to go out and purchase. People of all ages have replaced face to face conversations with texting and wall posts on Facebook. Technology has always changed the future so I think that the pattern is going to keep going for a very long time.