BlackBerry Messenger or as most call it, BBM, is a quick I.M. app that comes with all Blackberry Devices. When you get a BlackBerry your phone is given a specific PIN which is a combination of 8 different numbers and letters. Your PIN in unique to your phone and no one can have the same PIN as you. When you set up your BBM you can customize your profile with different usernames, update your status, change your time zone, and change your profile picture. Most people only get blackberry’s just because of the BBM feature. Its really just a quick fun way to get in contact with your BBM friends. Other phone companies, such as Android, have tried to make similar BBM apps but were really short lived like KiK, Live Profile, TiKL that open up their services to phones other than blackberrys such as the iPhone. They all don’t compare to BBM because their features or either really slow or no one really uses them. I had an android phone for about a month but I got extremely frustrated with it so I switched to the mew BlackBerry Style and I love it. I believe BlackBerry’s are the best type of Smartphone you can have.
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