Growing up, I have heard sayings like, “Beauty comes from within,” and “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,” but because beauty is such an abstract concept, it is very hard for me to comprehend what it is, and why we need it. The concept of beauty is hard for me to understand because we can search an entire lifetime for the meaning of beauty, but after we die, it is questionable if we are able to keep this knowledge. With this in mind, I googled images of beauty to see what was the general idea of beauty, and come to find out, the majority of the images were Caucasian women wearing make-up. For me, this seems to be very strange because who says that beauty has to be a person? Also, why does it have to be a woman, and not a man? This brings out another question are women suppose to be beautiful? And if so, is a particular race more beautiful than another? I am very disgusted that google images posted these pictures because now young girls who do not fit into that category may begin to hate themselves. There are more important values in life than beauty like family, friends, intelligence, and creativity. And sometimes these aspects can contribute to make life more meaningful. Even though being physically beautiful can be very useful with obtaining certain things in life, I find it to not have any importance at all because once someone dies; it becomes worthless and non-existent.
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